ECOWAS Governors convene in Dakar to strengthen regional monetary integration efforts

The West Africa Monetary Agency (WAMA) recently convened its 45th Joint Ordinary Meeting of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee as well as the Operations and Administration Committee in Dakar to strengthen regional monetary integration efforts.

The meeting, which took place in Dakar, Senegal, from 26-29 July 2024, was promptly followed by a distinguished meeting of Central Bank Governors from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region, who assembled to deliberate and adopt recommendations from the Technical Committee.
During the meeting, the Governors underscored the paramount importance of Central Banks in the ECOWAS region exerting their utmost efforts to ensure the attainment of the stringent criteria for the Eco currency.

They reiterated the crucial need for collaboration and harmonisation among ECOWAS institutions working on convergence and microeconomic matters to achieve the timeline in the roadmap for the implementation of the Eco.
In her remarks, the Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Mrs. Massandje Toure-Litse, representing the President of the ECOWAS Commission, extended the ECOWAS President’s warm regards and stressed the ECOWAS Commission’s unwavering commitment to collaborating with other Community institutions in realising the regional integration agenda.

She emphasised the significance of the WAMA’s Mid-Term Statutory meeting in advancing the attainment of the Eco currency, a pivotal milestone in the region’s economic integration.

The Governors’ resolve to deploy their best efforts to meet the criteria for the establishment of the Eco currency demonstrates their dedication to this noble cause, which promises to usher in a new era of economic prosperity and cooperation in the region.

The meeting served as a testament to the ECOWAS region’s unwavering commitment to achieving economic integration and monetary convergence.

The Governors’ resolve to deploy their best efforts to meet the criteria for the establishment of the Eco currency demonstrates their dedication to this noble cause, which promises to usher in a new era of economic prosperity and cooperation in the region.


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